hi salam everyone.. ok ok udah la emosi2 tu. maleh acik nak layan dah. acik nak nikmati happy2 momenty skrg ni. n try my best to abadikan masa2 bahagia dgn si kenit ni :). dah bsr seronok dia tgk. kita tecik2 dlu nak dpt tgk gmbr pun payah. osah advance bebudk skrg ni kan.. ok now i pass the storytelling session to my little precious fathiah aka athiah aka tiya.. tiya.. (ni nama manja makngah pd dia panggil, mula2 makngah suke pangil tuya..tuya.. ohoho big no no, udah mcm 'altan' je gitu nauzubillahhiminzalik :)..
ok aunties semua, today i'm gonna tell u about my story. i hav so many story to tell but today umi hav choosen few picas, then asked me to write the story behind. i was like, 'opss shame la umi, why these picas laa. nnti aunties2 know my secret lor'.. umi convinced me that the story won't shame me but sure we will be very happy to read it one day. umi keep on telling me, it's ok i'm just a little girl everything about me is priceless (umi kata makna dia x boleh beli kat mana pun :), fun experiences to umi n abi, will make them smile, laugh, n sometimes i even can saw tears in their eyes (oh why ummi wan to cry, i did anything wrong? umi said it is a happy tears, she felt so thankful to Allah for giving me to both of them and what i like is when umi & abi keep on kissing my cheek n tell me that they luuv me so much.. umi&abi i luv u two... three.. four.. -oh i should learn more to count more than four coz i luv them till habis-nombor actually ahaks).. ok2 enough for all the pendahuluan-karangan. lets begin the story yaa..
my first essay is about milk-milk.. what is milk-milk? what i know: it is the best word i like to hear when i was like starting to hek-hek sikit2 n then trus go the higher n higher pitch-craving for milk-milk. then umi will comfort me n tell me 'athiah budak sabar, ummi buat milk-milk ni k. tggu kejap k..' owh i dun understand the other word except 'milk-milk' which sometimes umi will shorten it to be 'memilk'. aunties, is there any word in the dictionary as 'memilk'?. hmm i dun think so la aunties, umi dah rosakkan bahasa ni. starting from my first hek-hek craving for my memilk, i will start counting in my heart one.two.three.four. then one.two.three.four again (i told ya i must learn more to count until habis-nombor, now i just repeat it again n again 1 to 4 je hehe) when i repeated the one-to-four counting for the the second round i will increased my voice pitch higher n higher n higher. why laa umi ni lambat pulak. at first few weeks kan, umi will keep on asked me to sabar while she was preparing my memilk. but now i thought my umi's ears was already immuned to my hek-hek. umi buat dunno jer chait!. umi did told me that sometimes crying is gud to practise my lontaran suara, ada ke patot kan heheh..
my voice practise will automatically stop once umi took me from my cot to her arm, i felt so comfort like lying on tilam vono (ni umi yg ckp i never seen any tilam vono at my hse, umi&abi was soo jimat n never buy that expensive tilam. they said nnti lagi susah nak bangun xyah la selesa sgt hehe. they just used their tilam kawin yg harga-mampu-milik n put a comforter on it so it will be soft better than vono i think. apapun tiya like umi's vono better hehehe). ohhh i felt so relieved when i enjoying my first gulp until it reached 2nd oz then i will closed my eyes n ready to went back to my lalaland. when i am in the dua-alam situation i still want my memilk to be there. i will hek-hek again if umi let it off from my lips. ok ok i like to bully ummi, even i'm quite full n look like already reach my lalaland but when i felt like want to top-up or isi-minyak lg i will suck my bottle nipple again hehe. so ummi had to wait until i'm fully sound asleep, bring me to my cot then only she can go to continue bersilat dlm rumah (cleaning, washing, cooking, ironing etc etc). opss, umi said this only an introduction n my intro is too long lah. ok2 lets focus to the picas story la aunties2 yer.. hmmm after deep thinking i think better go straight to the picas ok, leceh nak wat paragraph cmni lagi :D..
i like with when umi bukak-baju sy-smpi seksi mcm ni in the morning, coz i know its time for my MORNING BATH.. yeayyy
umi kata we cannot open my bathing picas to public-sensored itu tersgt seksi i'm a girl, so its too dangerous lah hihi. this was me after bath. start to licked my finger, the way i told ummi that i want my memilk.
p/s: aunties, pls accept my apology as my grammer was not really gud. i am now trying my best to improve my english. using past, present, past continues n present continues tenses etc make me tonggang-terbalik lah hehehe.. till we meet again in my future entry yaa... do take care n come again yer aunties :)...
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