Thursday, March 4, 2010

fertility treatment (part 1)..Allah is the best planner..

Alhamdulillah.. meeting with dr.marsita mansor dr primanora buat sy rasa tenang n penuh semangat. knp sy kata mcm ni, sbb dr.marsita ni sgt2 la baik orangnya & islamic. sejuk je hati dgr ckp2 dia. oklah rasa xmau la nak story panjang2, cukup sy katakan kami ber2 decide nak jumpa semula dr.masita ni after setahun stgh lepas our 1st meeting with her august 2008 dulu. Dlm ketentuan & keterbetulan, membuktikan 'law of attraction' doc pd kami amat kuat hmmm, tu yg pas sthn stgh pun kami leh dtg smula. Pada mulanya sy jumpa dr ni harini coz nak dptkan confirmation or maybe good news, mmg saya sgt2 la berdebar n sampai x brapa boleh tdo la mlm td coz nak tggu pagi ni. apa yg sy dpt rasakan, sy sgt2 gementar & berdebar ( mgkin sbb x sanggup dah nak trima -ve result dah huhu). but, kelembutan + ketenangan dr.masita yg sgt tenang ni buat sy x rasa kecewa bila doc scan x nampak apa2 which means no sign of pregnancy (even its already 7 weeks delayed), tapi few condition dlm rahim sy dikenalpasti n maybe its a reason why I hav problem to concieve (technically la).

syukur sy tenang, coz dr been very2 supportive. even before we start the thorough scanning session (hubby pun tgk sama & doc explain very clearly), kami ber3 (me,hubby & doc) dah berborak pjg. crita semua history after my 1st appmnt with her sethn stgh yg lepas then 2 months after I noticed that I'm pregnant, then mscrge then d&c (with other gynea nearer to my hse), hav taken clomiphene (for 6 cycle!!), and bla bla bla and now I'm here doc ;)... dr.masita dgn tnngnya dgr semua story sy then she gave us support that in any condition pun, there is a solution for us. InsyaAllah we will hav a baby soon (thanks doc). advise doc, "kali ni kita buat betul2, follow the sequence n jgn toleh tempat lain dah" (meaning continue with her lah).. I've been thinking whether its good for me to tell all the stories here or just surface surface aje. hmmm ok, sbnrnya lama dah sy fikir and I've decided to tell almost (almost yer not all!! hehe) everything we have been through along the way to get our first little precious, for good. mgkn pglmn sy ni boleh dikongsi dgn kwn2 kat luar sana yg juga adalah psgn istimewa seperi kami yg dipilih oleh Allah s.w.t untuk diuji. hei frens, we're the CHOSEN ONE ok. He chosed us from so many people out there, so we should be proud kan. Diuji tanda disayangi. Tuhan menguji hanya pada hambanya yg mampu, yang punya kekuatan & ujian ini menunjukkan yg Dia memberi perhatian pada kita & nak kita semakin dekat denganNya. (hmm pjg pulak celoteh sy, kene buat different entry lah.., cuma utk tnngkan hati sy juga)..

Ok lah continue on my story di primanora tadi yer. after the thorough scan, doc noticed yg kedua-dua belah ovari sy ada byk telur (around 8,9,10!!, itupun scan dr one side shj) tp agak kecil2. banyaknya telur ni most probably sbb sy dah makan byk clomiphene (sepanjang 6 cycle yg sy mkn). yes clomid boleh menambah kesuburan n bykkan telur, BUT on the negative side clomid boleh meNIPISkan dinding rahim. then doc scan rahim sy n measure thicknessnya, yup rahim saya menipis. the normal endometrial thickness is 8-13mm, but mine is 6.4mm. kesan clomid tanpa pengawasan yg rapi dari doctor mgkn, (hmm ok xpe what passed is passed kan). dr.masita terangkan keadaan sy n dgn tnng dia bg solutin satu persatu. she was an infertility specialist kan, of coz semua ada solution (again, technically la. the rest Allah punya kuasa : tp kita sebagai hamba perlu berusaha). then doc draw dkt paper condition sy n explain clearly. doc kata she want us to understand clearly the situation n and along the treatment we were like 'best fren' (i likee, tq doc). any doubt we can always call directly to her handphone!, or can text her on anytime n insyaallah she will reply soonest possible. oh ya, sementara kami dok sembang tu, ada sorang ni call doc, dlm conversation mereka yg sy dgr n dpt faham dia btau doc yg wife dia dah start contraction n apa nak buat. calmly, doc asked him to record the contraction time, let her wife drink plenty of water and by 12.30 (almost 2 hrs then) 'kita gerak sama2' kata doc. oh ya, sy juga dgr doc kata 'this is ur 1st baby kan'. sy dpt rasakan ketidaktentuan n excitednya dia utk tggu baby.. owh dear hubby, the time will come for us soon kan, yes very soon insyaAllah (and hubby will hav to call dr.masita on that cricital time too kan, coz I really wish to deliver with dr.marsita ;).. ok continue (asik iklan jer), 1st step sy kene makan norcolut 5mg (to let my menses kuar) two tablets twice a day for 5 days. then normally within 3-5 days period akan keluar. On the 2nd day, I should take femara (letrozole) 2.5mg 1 tablet per day for 6 days, utk menambah kesuburan TANPA menipiskan dinding rahim. then on the 12th day, sy kene dtg jumpa doc semula utk tgk progress n proceed on the next step needed.. on the same paper tadi tu doc bg byk pesanan utk kami (siap tuliskan satu satu ok). Sy summarisedkan pesanan2 doc kat bwh ni coz byk sgt :

1) Bangun jam 5am setiap hari, drink 650ml of plain water then take 1 ts of honey + 1ts of olive oil.
(adviseable to buy product from saudi cm syria ke turki ke)
2) After 2 hrs, jam 7am makan 7 biji kurma, ratah carrot + timun yg kecik tu. then bykkan mkn buah2an yg byk biji n merah2 cam buah delima @ dragon fruit.
(plain water+olive oil+honey tadi tu untuk cleansing, so after 2 hrs mkn mmg rasa nak terkeluar segala yg tersimpan kat bwh tuut, n mmg rasa lega)(carrot n cucumber tu ratah cmtu jer tau, hmm jadi kebuh sayur + buah2an la fridge pasni ;) ) Oh ya doc jugak advise kami sementara tggu subuh tu buatla solat tahajjud, solat taubat & solat hajat)..
3) Take only light breakfast: cm 2 pcs of bread, fresh milk @ natural yogurt.
(nasi lemak kenala lupakan huhu, sesekali xpe kot hihi)
4) then amik shatavari (asparagus extract), product himalaya.

Doc juga advise to avoid food with preservative. Ok nampaknya balik ni byk mission kami, rasa cam kene p tanah arab lah pulak nak p carik mknn2 arab. ding-dong ding-dong dok mana nak cari mknn arab + carik himalaya ni kami decide ke midvalley megamall, kerana ke'mega'an nya sy expect mesti chances agak bsr utk jumpa apa yg kami carik. Alhamdulillah syukur sgt, x shh utk kami jumpa Himalaya n grap shatavari capsules sebotol. pastu terpusing pusing gak la mencarik mknn2 arab ni, x jumpa n perut dah lapar pastu p la makan dulu. n again, Alhamdulillah on the way back (decide nak carik tempat lain), tetiba kami terserempak dgn stall yg mmg jual mknn2 arab syukur (law of attraction). kami dapat beli olive oil made from syria, honey made from turkey (yg bestnya lebah2 ni dibela kat ladang habbatussauda, jadi madu2nya dr pokok habbatussauda la)-banyak khasiatnya n sgt2 sedap trust me!!. then kat situ jugak sy beli jus delima & jus kurma 100% (no sugar, no preservative) made from tanah arab jugak. alhamdulillah.. xnak bli kurma coz rasanya kurma kat umh ada lagi.. jadi, bermulalah hari2 baru kami yg lebih sihat mudah2an.. ;) positively, me n hubby yakin Allah nak bagi yg terbaik utk kami thats y b4 conceive ni kami ber2 kene mkn mknn yg sgt sihat (dr tanah arab) n ubah lifestyle kami & of course lebih dekatkan diri dgnNya.. moga istiqamah, aammiinn..

Virgin Olive Oil-product of Syria

Honey-product of Turkey
