Wednesday, March 17, 2010

small mini library..

harini sy nak story psl my small mini library, entry sy psl library yg lepas sy ada story yg sy ada 'small mini library' kat umh n sy bercita cita nak upgrade sampai one day leh jadi mini library yg lengkap (insyaAllah di rumah baru nanti).. sementara masih lagi 'small mini' ni sy nak mulakan category baru lah dlm entry blog sy ni, sy nak cerita sikit2 psl buku2 yg kami ada kat umh, buku yg sy suka, hubby suka n mgkin byk sy boleh share n recommend kat kgkwn..

my small mini library

ok, first book yg sy nak story ni adalah series 'life is an open secret' by sist zabrina a.bakar. sy sgt2 suka dgn siri2 buku 'hidup bukan rahsia' dr sist zabrina ni. saya mula2 terjumpa buku ni masa ramadhan yg lepas (di kinokuniya klcc). buku pertama yg sy baca 'life is an open secret: ramadhan special'.. saya jatuh cinta dgn garapan sist zabrina. semua isu2 yg dibawa amat dekat dgn hati kita semua pembaca. sebelum sesuatu topik itu dihuraikan, sist zabrina akan membuka minda dan hati kita dgn cerita2 ringan yg amat dkt dgn semua orang.. dlm ramadhan secret, twenty-five secret dihuraikan satu persatu dgn sgt2 menarik. knp kita diwajibkan berpuasa, ttg "5 pillars of islam". sy memetik cerita first secret dlm ramadhan special, sist zabrina..

life is an open secret ; ramadhan special

Secret One : A Pillar of Faith..

That day I was admiring a beautiful house near my sister's place. The design of the house was breathtaking, Subhan Allah.. Although I don't have any inkling whatsoever about architectural design, I do love houses, buildings and structures that reflect great creativity and genius. I could not begin to imagine the sheer hard work the designers and architecs must have put into the design.

Thomas Disch once said,

Creativity is the ability to see relationships where none exists.

And I totally agree with Mr.Thomas here. This house I am appreciating has a perfect combination of classic, ancient and gothic with a touch of modernity in it, subhan Allah.

I chucled at the thought of mmy very best effort in designing a house: a square box with a roof and chimney and a few squared windows and one door, with a sun coming out from behind it!

Got the picture?

But then I got curious. Despite its gorgeousness and majestic outlook, the house was empty. I mean, it lookedas if it had been left empty for years. The garden is full of weeds growing as tall as a 9 years old, cobwebs were everywhere, the main gate all rusty and most windows were broken too.

It was then my dad told me that the house was empty for a reason.

"What's the reason, Dad?" I askes him.

"Well, it seemed that when the house was being built, the owner refused to follow the advise that it should not be three-storeys high as the ground it was built on was kind of soft. And if he still wanted to do so, he would have to built a stronger foundation for the house and use the right kind of piling as pillars. But he refused to listen and built the house his way anyway. And now, the house is not safe to live in."

"Wow, what a shame and waste of money!" I couldn't believe my ears, shaking my head in disbelief.

The owner must have lost hundreds of thousands of his hard earned money. Poor him.

As I reflected on that incident later in the day, it suddenly dawned upon me the words of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who once said,

"Islam is built on five (pillars): the testimony that there is no god except Allah and the Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; establishing prayer; paying zakah; fasting Ramadhan; and Hajj to the House (the Ka'abah)." (Al-Bukhari)


Dont I see that my beautiful religion too, has pillars and foundations of its own which I should adhere and follow? The pillars that have been identified by my Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) about 1431 years ago, and they still hold true until today.

And he (peace be upon him) has left us these pillars for one reason- the very soil also known as life that we all stand (live) on is, yes, you got it-soft!

Softas in unstable, risky, dangerous, uneven, unbalanced, uncertain, unsafe ans could be hazardous to our lives.

And if we failed to build the right kind of pillars as the foundation to our home (a.k.a. life) here on this earth, we might just end up like that wasted house- all beautiful but of no use to anyone and dangerous live in too!

Yikes! Na'udhbillaahi min dhalik!

Surely, that is not something that we want to become, you agree?

I, for one, truly do not want to be like that wasted house. Nope, I really don't. Really. Really. Really.

In fact, I want to bulit a 'house'that I could live in safely, happily and peacefully; where others could come visit without worrying if the roof is going to fall on them or the floor is going to suck them in. I want to build a place where people could call it a happy home and where others and I can find solace in, inshaAllah.

And as we all know, in just a few days, we shall be given a chance to strengthen the current foundation to our house using one if the mentioned pillars- the pillar of fasting in the great month of Ramadhan!..

this is just a half of the first chapter; secret one; A Pillar of Faith... sweet & touching kan?, kalo baca next2 secret lagi byk story mory yg menyentuh hati. masa sy baca tu terasa la, isk selama 28 thn (oppss dah nak masuk 3 series dah sy ni, tua ke? xla senior skit jer dr org 20an.. dr yg mmg dah 30an tu muda skit laa hehehe) sy berpuasa sejauh mana sy menghayati pengertian ramadhan dan mengisi ramadhan sebaiknya. seronok bila sy teruskan membaca secret2 seterusnya. kdg2 bila x brp dpt feel sy ulang berkali kali satu2 secret tu. lagi satu, biasanyanya kita ni (sy lah tu) kdg mls nak baca buku2 yg agak berat atau serious ttg fikah atau ilmu agama yg mmg sepatutnya kita timba n amalkan ni. tapi bila topik yg sama dibincangkan dgn garapan yg lebih dekat di hati dan lebih santai lagi mudah untuk kita menghayati, memahami & lebih seronok nak terus belajar. tapi sy tau semua ni x boleh la dijadikan alasan untuk sy tidak mempelajari byk lagi ilmu2 yg sbnrnya jauh lagi wajib dr ilmu dunia kan. ok ok, ni kelemahan sy yg sy perlu baiki. apa pun sy sgt2 recommend a series of 'life is an open secret' by sist zabrina a.bakar ni... pasni sy akan share jugak serba sikit ttg 2nd series yg sy ada iaitu 'hidup bukan rahsia; fikirkanlah..' (malay version)..